From Zero to Twenty

You have raised the bar for the quality of life in Burundi!  Through your purchases of Pacha Soap and support of our Raise the Bar campaign, our friends in the Kamakara community (population 2,500) now have twenty toilets and twenty hand washing facilities where there were none.

Improved health and hygiene are just one valuable aspect of the project.  Check this out: the adobe style outhouses were built by the very community members who will benefit from them, creating even more jobs for the local people. The building crew members are taking their skills to surrounding communities so they can earn money building these “toilets” and “tippy taps” for others.  Each “tippy tap” hand washing station was built from re-purposed jugs, constructed to conserve water, and are foot-operated so users can to keep their freshly washed hands clean.  Pacha has been able to employ 15 men and women to make the give-away bars in Burundi.  We are thrilled at the amount of soap being produced and thrilled to see them leading the charge in teaching proper hand washing techniques to their neighbors. The community is reaping benefit after benefit and it’s all thanks to you.

It is part of our mission to “support water, sanitation, and hygiene (W.A.S.H.) efforts through education and donation.” Thank you for joining with us to fulfill this mission!

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