Kamakara: A Community Ready To Flourish

We recently traveled to Burundi, Africa to help establish and dedicate a soap factory in Kamakara, located in the northwest corner of Burundi, Africa. Kamakara is comprised of about 2500 people (378 families) who have been refugees in camps in Rwanda, DR Congo, Tanzania and from internal camps in Burundi. As a community, they came to the organization Imagine Burundi-Terimbere and asked for help in establishing small-scale businesses to provide employment for its members. They voted on the projects they wanted: a cassava mill, a hair cutting shop, and of course a small soap-making shop! We are grateful to help provide the necessary tools and education they need to make the soap a success. And YOU are directly helping the people of Kamakara flourish; through Pacha’s buy-one, give-one campaign, “Raise the Bar,” this factory is able to provide schools in their area with a consistent supply of soap as well as employment for the people of Kamakara! Thank you.

Soap can save lives. Soap can change lives.

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