Pacha Soap: First International Soap Shop 2014

What happened in 2014?

Pacha moved into a larger space in downtown Hastings, NE.

A few of the soap blends participated in the winter Olympics. 

Our first bulk soap display came to life at the Omaha Whole Foods!

The organization Imagine Burundi became our first mission partner. With their help, we were able to start up the first soap shop in Burundi, Africa. The shop employs 7 locals and is able to provide soap for the surrounding schools!

Pacha Soap got a mascot in the form of a 1971 VW camper van named Bubbles. Bubbles hit the road to spread the word about our soap and mission.

Bath salts launched!

Three days until the big announcement of 2017! Keep checking in to see the rest of our story.

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